

Registration Page

Please ensure you have checked all entry requirements on the relevant
course page prior to completing your registration below.

Please complete the registration details below and make your payment.
Once payment is confirmed you will receive a receipt of payment and a link to complete your online enrolment.
To reduce delays ensure you provide your entry requirements for online courses.
For online courses login information is provided once entry requirements have been meet.

Please complete the registration details below and make your payment.

For Companies: If you increase the quantity amount the system will allow you to add multiple students on one invoice.

Remove item Thumbnail image Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× Placeholder RIIWHS202E RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces & MSMWHS217 Gas Test Atmospheres & RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights Online Refresher $300 P/P |
1 × $300.00

Student details

Student Number : 1

Billing Details

(The following information is required for your Tax invoice)